How to Become a Crorepati by Investing in SIP: A Detailed Guide

Investing wisely is one of the most effective ways to achieve financial independence. In India, the dream of becoming a crorepati (having 10 million Indian Rupees or more) is a goal for many. Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) offer a structured and disciplined approach to achieving this dream. Whether you start at 20, 30, 35, 40, or 45 years of age, SIPs can help you build a significant corpus. This article will guide you through the process of becoming a crorepati by investing in SIPs, tailored to different starting ages.

What is SIP?

A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) allows investors to invest a fixed amount regularly in a mutual fund scheme. By investing periodically (monthly or quarterly), SIPs help in averaging the cost of investment and compounding returns over time. The beauty of SIPs lies in their simplicity and the power of compounding, making them an ideal investment choice for long-term wealth creation.

Importance of Starting Early

The earlier you start investing, the more time your money has to grow. Starting early gives you a significant advantage due to the power of compounding, where the returns generated on your investment start earning returns themselves. Even small amounts invested regularly can grow substantially over time.

Becoming a Crorepati by Investing in SIP: Scenarios Based on Different Ages

Starting at Age 20

Starting at the age of 20 gives you a long investment horizon, which allows your investments to grow exponentially. Assuming an average annual return of 12% from your SIP investments, here’s how much you need to invest monthly to become a crorepati by the time you reach 60.

  • Investment Horizon: 40 years
  • Monthly SIP Amount: ₹1,000
  • Expected Corpus at 60: ₹1.05 crore

Even a modest SIP of ₹1,000 per month can help you reach your goal of becoming a crorepati if you start early. The longer horizon means that even small investments can accumulate to a large corpus.

Starting at Age 30

At 30, you still have a considerable investment period, but the monthly investment amount needs to be higher to compensate for the reduced time.

  • Investment Horizon: 30 years
  • Monthly SIP Amount: ₹3,000
  • Expected Corpus at 60: ₹1.05 crore

By investing ₹3,000 per month for 30 years, you can comfortably reach the ₹1 crore mark. The compounding effect is still powerful, though the amount required each month is higher than if you had started at 20.

Starting at Age 35

Starting at 35 shortens the investment horizon to 25 years. This requires a more substantial monthly investment to achieve the same goal.

  • Investment Horizon: 25 years
  • Monthly SIP Amount: ₹5,000
  • Expected Corpus at 60: ₹1.02 crore

To become a crorepati by 60, you’ll need to invest ₹5,000 per month if you start at 35. The power of compounding is still at play, but you need to invest more each month due to the shorter time period.

Starting at Age 40

Starting at 40 leaves you with 20 years to grow your investments. While it’s still possible to become a crorepati, the monthly investment required will be significantly higher.

  • Investment Horizon: 20 years
  • Monthly SIP Amount: ₹10,000
  • Expected Corpus at 60: ₹1.01 crore

An investment of ₹10,000 per month over 20 years will help you reach ₹1 crore. The shorter time frame means each rupee invested needs to work harder, requiring a larger monthly commitment.

Starting at Age 45

If you’re starting at 45, the investment horizon is only 15 years, making it the most challenging scenario. However, with a disciplined approach, you can still achieve the crorepati goal.

  • Investment Horizon: 15 years
  • Monthly SIP Amount: ₹20,000
  • Expected Corpus at 60: ₹1.03 crore

To reach ₹1 crore by 60, you’ll need to invest ₹20,000 per month if you start at 45. The high monthly investment is necessary due to the limited time for compounding to take effect.

Visualizing Your Journey to ₹1 Crore

Here’s a graphical representation of how the monthly SIP amount varies with different starting ages to reach ₹1 crore by 60.

Starting Age | Monthly SIP Amount (₹) | Expected Corpus (₹)
20           | 1,000                   | 1.05 crore
30           | 3,000                   | 1.05 crore
35           | 5,000                   | 1.02 crore
40           | 10,000                  | 1.01 crore
45           | 20,000                  | 1.03 crore

This table clearly illustrates that the later you start, the more you need to invest each month to reach the same goal. The compounding effect diminishes as the investment horizon shortens, requiring larger monthly contributions.

Key Considerations for SIP Investment

  1. Choosing the Right Fund:
    • Selecting a mutual fund with a strong track record is crucial. Look for funds with consistent performance over the years and low expense ratios. You can find valuable insights and fund performance data on platforms like Moneycontrol, Economic Times, and Value Research Online.
  2. Staying Consistent:
    • SIP investments thrive on regularity. Stay consistent with your investments, even when the market is down. The idea is to benefit from market volatility through rupee cost averaging.
  3. Increasing SIP Amount Over Time:
    • Consider increasing your SIP amount as your income grows. Even a small increment can make a significant difference over the years.
  4. Reviewing Your Portfolio:
    • Regularly review your SIP portfolio to ensure it aligns with your financial goals. Adjust your investments if necessary. Tools and calculators on websites like Groww and ET Money can help you monitor and optimize your investments.
  5. Tax Benefits:
    • SIPs in Equity-Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) offer tax benefits under Section 80C, making them a tax-efficient investment option.


Becoming a crorepati by investing in SIPs is achievable with discipline, patience, and a long-term perspective. Starting early reduces the monthly investment needed, thanks to the power of compounding. Even if you start later in life, a focused and consistent investment strategy can still help you reach the ₹1 crore mark. The key is to start as soon as possible, choose the right funds, and stay committed to your financial goals.

For more detailed information and tips on investing in mutual funds, you can explore Morningstar India for expert analysis and advice.

Start your journey today, and let the magic of compounding work for you.

FAQs About Becoming a Crorepati Through SIP

1. What is the minimum amount I can start investing with in an SIP?

You can start a SIP with as little as ₹500 per month. However, the amount you choose to invest should align with your financial goals. If you aim to become a crorepati, the investment amount should be planned according to your age and investment horizon.

2. Is it possible to become a crorepati with an SIP if I start late?

Yes, it is possible, but the monthly investment will be higher if you start later. For example, if you start at 45, you’ll need to invest around ₹20,000 per month to reach ₹1 crore by the time you are 60, assuming a 12% annual return.

3. What happens if I miss an SIP installment?

Missing a SIP installment won’t severely impact your investment, but it can affect the compounding benefits over time. It’s important to try and maintain consistency. Most mutual funds offer flexibility in managing SIP payments, so you can adjust the date or make a lump-sum payment if you miss one.

4. Can I increase my SIP amount over time?

Yes, you can increase your SIP amount over time. Many mutual funds offer a feature called “Step-Up SIP” or “Top-Up SIP,” where you can set an annual increase in your SIP amount. This helps in accelerating your wealth accumulation as your income grows.

5. How are SIP returns taxed?

The tax on SIP returns depends on the type of mutual fund. For equity mutual funds, gains from SIPs held for more than one year are considered long-term capital gains (LTCG) and are taxed at 10% for gains above ₹1 lakh in a financial year. For debt funds, the tax treatment is different, with short-term gains taxed at the investor’s income tax slab rate and long-term gains taxed at 20% with indexation benefits.

6. What should I do if the market is down? Should I stop my SIPs?

It’s generally advisable to continue with your SIPs even when the market is down. Market downturns can work in your favor through rupee cost averaging, where you buy more units at lower prices, which can boost your returns when the market recovers. Stopping SIPs during a downturn could mean missing out on these potential gains.

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